
StepIn members add modelling to their living skills

StepIn members add modelling to living skills

MEMBERS of StepIn’s two networks have added new talents to their range of independent living skills — modelling.

StepIn is a new organisation enabling vulnerable people to live in the heart of their communities. It does this by forming mutually supportive networks. Consequently, members live more fulfilling, independent and participative lives.

In February it registered as a not-for-profit company after successfully establishing networks in Roscommon and Athlone. Now it plans to roll out its service to other areas — and that’s where the modelling skills of StepIn’s members come in. They have been helping to prepare marketing material — to create greater awareness — by posing in photographs showing the many aspects of their independent lives.

The network members appear in an information pack which includes a DVD, brochure, case study and poster. If you would like one of the packs, please email or phone 087 6693118, or write to StepIn Supported Living Networks, Cherry House, Comans Park, Roscommon.

More details on StepIn Supported Living Networks can be found at

NEXT: Who is next? asks Nicola at work in the shoe shop

Contact: Brian Feeney, 087 6693118,

Truly Independent Living

Registered Charity Number: 20105525

© Copyright 2025 StepIn

Supported Living Networks

Phone: 087 669 3118