Training and living skills, such as cooking, managing a home or paying bills, are central to members achieving their goal of living in their own homes.
This is provided by disability support organisations in partnership with StepIn. This picture shows a network member adding bakery skills to her list of independent living skills. Members are introduced to these skills in advance of moving into their new homes so they are better equipped to deal with the challenges of running their own homes.
StepIn is available to provide awareness/training to other organisations (staff, families) about the general concept and principles of Supported Living. StepIn is also available to provide more specific training/awareness based on the StepIn model of Supported Living Networks.
Please email us at or contact Louise Coll (Supported Living Coordinator) on 087-2128658.
MEMBERS enter networks from different care environments: Some may be in residential care; others living at home with parents. Each network member's story differs. Here are some brief examples:
Mary lived at home with her family in the countryside. For the past two years, she has been living independently in an apartment. Her day support hours have reduced as she feels settled and comfortable in her new independence. The enhanced quality of life is matched by savings for the care service provider.
Oisin had been living in a residential home. Now he shares a house and owns his own car. His new circumstances have made him more confident, particularly in social circumstances. His support needs have reduced to a drop-in service and an on-call service. This has meant a reduction in care costs each week.
Carmel had lived in a five-day residential home with others during the week and then with her family at the weekend. She had high support needs: 16 hours a day and a sleepover. This has been reduced to 10 hours a day now that she is a member of a StepIn network.